“TIMES ACHIEVERS –2022 Punjab” – Daya Shankar Ojha

On 29th May 2022, Optimal Media Solutions (OMS) at The Times Group organized a Gala event “TIMES ACHIEVERS –2022 Punjab” to identify, encourage, and provide recognition to the brightest leaders & entrepreneurs who have been the real game-changers in their respective professions.

We are extremely happy and proud to share that our CEO Daya Shankar Ojha was honored at the event for his concerted efforts in pushing all possible boundaries and continuously seeking out ways to make a mark in the IT industry.

Read more at:

https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/business/india-business/times-achievers-2022-punjab-recognizes-pioneers-who-inspire-the-country-with-their-success-stories/articleshow/91960094.cms?from=mdr&utm_source=contentofinterest&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=cppstsignal-2022-06-05-142045_002 (1) signal-2022-05-29-231003 (1)

Varun Markanday

BDM | Offshore Business/Software Solution Consultant | Branding | Driving Sustainable Growth | Mobile & Web Apps

All stories by: Varun Markanday