Posts By :

Chetna Dogra

Web Development Trends to Watchout

So we have completed almost half of the 2016, I think this is the perfect time to discuss the web development trends that are rising and may become our favorite in coming months. I was observing this industry very closely in past few months and it looks like this year is going to be great…

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Changing Face of Web Graphic Designing

From carving on stones to high definition images… this is how graphic designing has changed in ages. No doubt, images are the best way to convey, you can pass on your message in minimalist words. But it is not as simple as it looks. It involves a lot of thinking and talent to bring that…

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Software Apps… Detect their Vulnerability.

In the previous post we’d talked about the dominance of mobile application over e-stores. Well, if you have made up your mind of getting an application, you must consider having a close look at their vulnerabilities as well. In 2012, there was much hype about skype’s data security. It had a flaw which exposes users’…

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Are you writing for spiders or for humans?

Many of us has the habit of documenting things… be it our daily diary, emotional outburst or penning down experiences. Since the dotcom industry is booming, people have started monetizing their hobby of writing in the form of blogs and articles. But in this race of making money somewhere the end reader is suffering. Despite…

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Virtual reality
Virtual Reality – What we are ignoring?

Virtual reality is becoming the new craze, and why not? The extent to which augmented reality / virtual reality has developed is giving amazing experience. From very affordable headgears to high end models, VR/AR has already invaded many industries e.g. Medical, Architecture, Gaming; these are just a few to name. But everything comes with a…

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Quantifying infants?

Parenthood are nowadays taking up completely new shape. From the day you get the news of conception to bringing up your newborn, you can quantify everything using gadgets and parenting applications. This indeed help struggling parents and expecting mothers to cope this major responsibility, with an ease. But how far these applications are helpful and…

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Manage Your Stress Levels at Workplace

Career related stress not only affects your productivity but it also affect your physical and mental well being. Every person takes stress on it own way. But it is very important for everyone to curb it at a very early stage before it starts affecting your emotional intelligence. Identify signs and symptoms A sailor can…

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5 Steps Towards Developing a Secure Web Application

Developing a web application is no more a tricky task but developing a secure application has become a cumbersome task. Yes, you have to be very very paranoid if you want to develop a safe and secure channel for your clients. No information entered by the user can be trusted. I am not saying that…

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Fight Against Procrastination

How many of you take a quick shuffle between work windows and facebook window or youtube? With clock ticking and deadlines approaching, you know you have only few hours to complete the assignment but prefers to check your emails first. If that’s your story, you fall into the category about the people we are going…

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