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'The Light Corner'

Has technology really taken up our lives?

In past few years I have been reading a lot about invasion of technology into our routine lives. From the minute we wake up till we get into deep sleep. If we go back to 20th century, there were very few things around us that were technology driven, controlled by microprocessors or chips or have software to make it functional. But today, even our water bottles have electronic trackers to keep a check on our water intake.

Sometimes I really wonder if this invasion is good for us or leaving a negative impact. There is a huge debate about it, since years. Experts believed that the level of indulgence is sometimes scary. We don’t need any demographics to say that people of all ages have higher dependencies on things that are driven by technology. And, we are not talking only about, internet, computers or smartphones. We are talking about everything, from microwave ovens to smart refrigerator to smart tvs, smart security system, digital communication system, hi-tech cars, robotic arms etc. used in medical fields and many others things, that are making a good space into our lives.

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Docker – Resolving the Complexities

Container technology is becoming everyone’s favorite off lately, we’ve talked about it in our last post. And I think it’s unfair not to talk about it in-depth. Somewhere, I read an analogy which says What GitHub has done for git, docker is doing for Linux. And this is completely true. Docker is lowering the complexity level of obtaining repeatables builds and deployments.

Sometimes back dotCloud decided to open source their platform… piece by piece. When container engine was released, a revolution in the devops ecosystem was seen. To make the whole authoring process less cumbersome… In the version 1.0, main emphasis was to reinvent the whole process and put more focus on auditing and accountability. With the first public release, ability to share, pull and push container images was also released. In comparison to recent versions, deployment was very slow but faster and easier than manual deployment.

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Native Advertisement… Something for Everyone

Online world is very dynamic. Trends keep on changing, especially in internet marketing. The techniques which are hot favorite of everyone may become dead in few years or in few months. And, how can we not talk about up and coming trends. And one such trend, which is rising high is Native Advertisements. However, this form of advertisement is not new; but the way it is evolving is really interesting.

To put it simply, native advertisement is a piece of content published in exchange of money or call it paid content. This content could be an article, blog post, video or infographic. Well, native advertising is very different from advertorial. The best part is, a reader can never judge if he is reading a promoted piece if he does not notice ‘sponsored’ tag.

Some experts in the industry believes that this form of advertising is overrated and it plays with the credibility of the publisher. The point is completely valid here. You never got to know if the editor is actually advising you to buy ‘xyz’ brand or has he got paid for this recommendation. One such example is when The New York times published a story by Dell in exchange of money.  Though, there is always discretion notice, but at times things can be hidden.

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